Cyprus: ‘Film In Cyprus' Online Platform And The New Cyprus Filming Scheme
Last year in September the Cypriot cabinet has approved a new filming scheme, which was created with the aim to attract overseas filming companies to shoot their films in Cyprus. The new filming scheme was developed by the Unit of administrative Reform of the Presidency in cooperation with the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) and the Ministry of Finance. The new scheme entered into force recently with the creation of the Online Platform 'Film in Cyprus'. 'Film in Cyprus' online platform The Online Platform was introduced by Cyprus Invest (CIPA) on the 11th of September 2018 in Nicosia. CIPA is the responsible body for examining the applications and the chairs the Committee for the Evaluation of the Filming Scheme. Through the online platform interested filming companies can submit their application to participate. On the 'Film in Cyprus' online platform visitors can find information regarding the competitive advantages to film in Cyprus, film industry...